West TO, Steidel K, Flessner T, Calvano A, Spedden ME, Pedrosa D, Barnes G, Cagnan H


Diagram showing head in profile, with Electrophysiology trace above, as the output from a DBS electrode recording, and neurofeedback on a display shown to the person.
A diagram showing PPN DBS electrode recording, power analysis and gait analysis.
four colourful objects in a row- with black 'hat's on top of them
A plot in red and black, taken from Fig 1 of the paper this dataset is from.
Gava GP, Lefèvre L
plot of principle cell spike times, with population rate and local field potential also plotted
Lefèvre L, Gava GP
Diagram of recording tetrode and optic fibre locations in mouse brain section, sharp wave ripple waveform, compared to the newly described dentate spike waveform, a diagram of a behvioural box with 4 objects in it, and a mouse, and underneath, spike times of a population of neurons, with LFP with dentate spikes shown
a diagram showing the screens that participants see during the trails- in the go, conflict and no-go situations, including what the joystick positions are.
Mandali A, Torrecillos F, Wiest C, Pogosyan A, He S, Tan H, Stagg CJ, Cagnan H
Image showing the 3 phases of the inference task used. Associative learning phases shows 3 sound icons with arrows pointing to one shape. Conditioning phase shows one shape with an arrow pointing to a pound coin. Inference test phase shows a sound icon with an arrow pointing to a symbol showing a pound coin and wood coin with a question mark. Above the associative learning and conditioning phases there are icons showing musical notes and a coffee cup. The background of the image is two coffee cups on a tabl
Shearer C, Rawson AB, O'Reilly JX, Barron HC