High density human neuroimaging data from healthy controls and patients with Essential Tremor engaged in an upper-limb reaching task

West TO, Steidel K, Flessner T, Calvano A, Spedden ME, Pedrosa D, Barnes G, Cagnan H

This dataset consists of human neuroimaging data recorded from human cohorts of healthy controls and patients diagnosed with Essential Tremor (ET). Participants were recorded in an experimental paradigm consisting of an upper limb, centre-out reaching task.
High density EEG (128 channels; HD-EEG). This data was recorded using a Brain Products DC amplifier and gel based active electrodes mounted in the standard 10-10 system with an  actiCAP. 11 healthy controls and 12 patients with ET.
Optically pumped magnetoencephalography (OP-MEG). This data was recorded using combinations of 2nd and 3rd generation QuSpin sensors (dual- and tri-axial sensors, respectively) mounted in rigid 3D-printed casts custom-built to each participant's scalp shape determined from structural magnetic resonance images (MRIs). 5 healthy controls and 4 patients with ET.
The complete dataset comprises:

  • Raw OP-MEG data provided in The Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) format
  • Raw HD-EEG data provided in BrainVision formats: ‘.eeg’; ’.vhdr’; ’.vmrk’.
  • Triaxial accelerometry recorded as auxiliary channels in the raw data.
  • Task markers provided as DC step signal recorded as auxiliary channels in the raw data.
  • Task related information – condition ordering, screen positions, etc. in ‘.csv’
  • Structural neuroimaging- MRIs of brain anatomy. 3D FLASH protocol supplied in NIfTI ‘.nii’ format.
  • 3D motion capture data supplied as Motive ‘.tak’ data.

Processed data is provided in the Fieldtrip Data structure and saved as MATLAB ‘.mat’ files, and available across different levels of analysis indicated by the suffix:>

  • ‘*_rawdata’ – imported data.
  • ‘*_pp’ – epoched and preprocessed.
  • ‘*_pp_ar’ – artefact rejected.
  • '*_freq' – frequency domain representation.
  • '*_VC' – projected as virtual channels in the source domain.

We welcome requests to share this dataset with other researchers- please contact Hayriye Cagnan (h.cagnan@imperial.ac.uk). Dataset request emails should include details of the hypotheses to be tested or exploratory analysis, and the researchers affiliation. Sharing of the raw data is potentially subject to a Data Transfer Agreement.

Assistance with this dataset

We welcome researchers wishing to reuse our data to contact the creators of datasets. If you are unfamiliar with analysing the type of data we are sharing, have questions about the acquisition methodology, need additional help understanding a file format, or are interested in collaborating with us, please get in touch via email. Our current members have email addresses on our main site. The corresponding author of an associated publication, or the first or last creator of the dataset are likely to be able to assist, but in case of uncertainty on who to contact, email Ben Micklem, Research Support Manager at the MRC BNDU.

Year Published
Medical Research Council (MR/R020418/1, MR/X023141/1)
Wellcome Trust (204826/Z/16/Z, 203147/Z/16/Z)
University of Oxford
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First Published In
West TO, Steidel K, Flessner T, Calvano A, Kucukahmetler D, Stam MJ, Spedden ME, Wahl B, Jousmäki V, Eraifej J, Oswal A, Saifee TA, Barnes G, Farmer SF, Pedrosa D, Cagnan H
2025. Neurobiol Dis (e-Pub ahead of print).