Data in External Repositories
The Unit has made additional datasets available through other repositories.
At ORA-Data:
- Neural correlates of speed-accuracy adjustments in the subthalamic nucleus
- Subthalamic local field potential recordings in 11 Parkinson's disease patients who had undergone deep brain stimulation surgery and 18 healthy age-matched participants and time-synchronised behavioural data from a moving dots task.
- Subthalamic nucleus activity during stopping of rhythmic finger tapping
- Subthalamic local field potential and scalp EEG recordings in 9 Parkinson's disease patients who had undergone deep brain stimulation surgery and time-synchronised behavioural data from an interrupt finger tapping task.
- Mechanisms underlying decision-making as revealed by deep brain stimulation in patients with Parkinson's disease
- Subthalamic local field potential recordings in 7 Parkinson's disease patients who had undergone deep brain stimulation surgery and time-synchronised behavioural data from a moving dots task.
- Analysis code for publication: 'The aperiodic exponent of subthalamic field potentials reflects excitation/inhibition balance in Parkinsonism'
- MATLAB code analysing the rat data with respect to aperiodic component changes during high and low STN spiking states, and the human data ON and OFF levodopa and deep brain stimulation.
At Zenodo:
- Stimulating At The Right Time
- MATLAB code for a model of the Parkinsonian Cortico-Basal ganglia-Thalamic circuit, and the manipulation of network wide neural states with closed loop phase locked brain stimulation. (West et al. 2022)
At ModelDB:
- Excessive beta oscillations in Parkinson's disease (Pavlides et al. 2015)
- Supervised learning with predictive coding (Whittington & Bogacz 2017)
At GitHub:
- Machine learning decision trees for prognosis of dystonia
- This repository contains the MATLAB code associated with our publication analysing paediatric DBS outcomes for children with Dystonia. (Shah et al. 2020)