Diagram showing head in profile, with Electrophysiology trace above, as the output from a DBS electrode recording, and neurofeedback on a display shown to the person.
A diagram showing PPN DBS electrode recording, power analysis and gait analysis.
a diagram showing the screens that participants see during the trails- in the go, conflict and no-go situations, including what the joystick positions are.
Mandali A, Torrecillos F, Wiest C, Pogosyan A, He S, Tan H, Stagg CJ, Cagnan H


diagram of a person facing away from the viewer, with representation of deep brain electrodes in their head, with and illustatraion of the task's screen bing displayed to them, and a grasp-strength measuring device in their hand
Herz DM, Groppa S, Brown P
Diagram of a human torso with two deep brain electrodes, showing No-direction Boston Vercise leads in close-up
Wiest C, Torrecillos F, Morgante F, Pereira EA, Tan H


plots of termor recordings
Rodriguez F, He S, Tan H
diagram of the deep brain stimulation recording electrode with four contacts and the output to TMSi Porti/Saga
Wiest C, Torrecillos F, Pogosyan A, Baig F, Pereira EA, Morgante F, Ashkan K, Tan H
diagram of the back of a participant in the study, showing the stimulus display with moving points, and the electrode arrange ment- an electrode in each side of the brain, and two recording sites per electrode, with a stimulating contact in between the two. The participant holds grasping measuring apparatus in each hand.
Herz DM, Groppa S, Brown P


A sequential neurofeedback-behaviour task, with the neurofeedback reflecting the occurrence of beta bursts quantified in real-time based on EEG measurements over sensorimotor cortex, was used to evaluate the relationship between cortical beta bursts and movement initialisation.
He S, Everest-Phillips C, Brown P, Tan H
plot showing raw data trace and three processed ones
Yeh CH