Local Field Potential (LFP) data recorded from externalized Essential Tremor DBS Patients during 3 upper-limb movement tasks
This dataset was recorded during sessions with externalized Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Essential Tremor (ET) patients. Patients were asked to perform a pegboard insertion task, a posture hold with arms stretched out front, and a rice pouring task between two cups. Data was recorded both with DBS stimulation on and off. Here we only provide a brief description and refer to the Methods section of [1] for further details on the patients (incl. clinical information), hardware, and recording setup.
The dataset is structured as a series of 8 folders (1, 2, …, 8), with each folder corresponding to data recorded from an individual patient. Each of these folders contains HDF5 files named <task>_<stimulation_condition>.h5 (e.g. Pegboard_on.h5), where each file consist of arrays containing bilateral, multi-channel LFPs under the “LFP” key and a corresponding movement label under the “label” key. Movement labels were extracted from EMG and accelerometer data attached to the arms and hands of patients. The LFP data comes highpass-filtered (4th order, one-pass butterworth filter with cut-off frequency of 1 Hz). The sampling rate for all datasets is 2048 Hz.
This dataset has been set up to directly work with the code provided at https://github.com/fer-rplazas/feature-extraction-methods, which includes utilities to load the data, train models with it, and generate figures.
We welcome researchers wishing to reuse our data to contact the creators of datasets. If you are unfamiliar with analysing the type of data we are sharing, have questions about the acquisition methodology, need additional help understanding a file format, or are interested in collaborating with us, please get in touch via email. Our current members have email addresses on our main site. The corresponding author of an associated publication, or the first or last creator of the dataset are likely to be able to assist, but in case of uncertainty on who to contact, email Ben Micklem, Research Support Manager at the MRC BNDU.

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