diagram of the deep brain stimulation recording electrode with four contacts and the output to TMSi Porti/Saga
Wiest C, Torrecillos F, Pogosyan A, Baig F, Pereira EA, Morgante F, Ashkan K, Tan H
diagram of the back of a participant in the study, showing the stimulus display with moving points, and the electrode arrange ment- an electrode in each side of the brain, and two recording sites per electrode, with a stimulating contact in between the two. The participant holds grasping measuring apparatus in each hand.
Herz DM, Groppa S, Brown P


image of virtual environment, and images of fMRI and fMRI ouputs being read from brain imaging
Koolschijn RS, Shpektor A, Emir UE, Barron HC
Moeller M, Grohn J, Manohar S, Bogacz R
Stay-switch behaviour at first stage. A) Food deprived participants are more likely to stay after receiving a reward than after reward omission. B) Sated individuals show less model-free behaviour. C) Change in stay probability with food deprivation. Food deprivation increased the tendency to stay after receiving a reward and increased the tendency to switch after reward omission. Error bars represent SEM.
van Swieten MMH, Manohar S, Bogacz R
two bar-charts with error bars
van Swieten MMH, Manohar S, Bogacz R


A sequential neurofeedback-behaviour task, with the neurofeedback reflecting the occurrence of beta bursts quantified in real-time based on EEG measurements over sensorimotor cortex, was used to evaluate the relationship between cortical beta bursts and movement initialisation.
He S, Everest-Phillips C, Brown P, Tan H
Graph showing beta signalled local conflict, and carried over this effect to the next cue in a sequence.
Bogacz R, Litvak V, Oswal A, Little S, Pedrosa D, Herz DM, Patai EZ


Player vs computer competitor trials
Howard-Jones PA, Bogacz R, Yoo JH, Leonards U, Demetriou S
Tremor-phase-specific brain  stimulation
Cagnan H, Weerasinghe G, Brown P