Electrocorticogram with closed-loop stimulation of basal ganglia nuclei aligned to beta oscillation phase
Electrocorticogram (ECoG) recordings from ipsilateral premotor cortex in awake freely moving 6-OHDA hemi-lesioned rats during closed-loop stimulation of basal ganglia nuclei phase aligned to cortical beta oscillations. Eight different equally spaced target phases are used in separate recordings in each animal. Additional recordings without stimulation were performed. Multiple recording blocks were performed per animal.
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This data is further explained in https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111616
The data consists of three types of file. All three are little-endian binary files.
Files with extension .ecog.dat are 16 bit integers (int16). These are the values recorded by the Intan converter attached to the ECoG screw sampling at 20 kHz.
The remaining two extensions (.stim.dat and .on-epochs.dat) are 64 bit integers (int64) reflecting recordings of a digital input sampled at 20 kHz. The first 64 bit value is zero if the signal starts logic low or one if logic high. The next value is the start time of the recording. In this data this is always zero. Subsequent values indicate the times at which the logic level of the signal changed. The final value is the end time of the recording. Time values are counted relative to the sample clock (i.e. 200 would indicate 200 / 20,000 = 0.01 seconds or 10 milliseconds).
Files with the extension .stim.dat are the stimulation trigger, going high at the start of each 200 microsecond biphasic stimulation and returning low at the end of each stimulation (after 200 microseconds).
In files with the extension .on-epochs.dat the signal is logic high for the 20 second on-epochs where OscillTrack was active and logic low for the 5 second off-epochs where OscillTrack was inactive and triggers were not generated.
Recordings from 13 subjects (rats) each given a code of the form mcXXX are arranged into blocks. Recording blocks consisted of eight pairs of recordings with a different OscillTrack target phase applied in each pair. Stimulation was enabled in the first recording of each pair ('cl' stimulation) and disabled in the second ('fake' stimulation). Additionally, there are blocks where the most amplifying and suppressing phases were targeted along with playback of those same stimulation patterns. Each block is contained in a folder (mcXXX_YYMMDD) containing files for each of the associated recording stages. Files belonging to the same stage have the same basename (mcXXX_YYMMDD_HHMMSS).
There are three additional plain text comma separated values (.csv) metadata files (subjects.csv, blocks.csv and stages.csv). The tables can be merged on the subject, block and stage columns (whose values match the above codes). They further contain the following meta data:
gp_location: The post-perfusion histologically assessed location of the gp electrode.
stn_location: The post-perfusion histologically assessed location of the stn electrode.
stim_amplitude: Peak stimulation amplitude (50uA indicates stimulation with 100 uA peak to peak).
cloop_fc: Center frequency of OscillTrack.
n_cl_phases: The number of different phases targeted by OscillTrack in that block of recordings.
stim_target: 'gp' if stimulation was applied to the gp electrode or 'stn' if stimulation was applied to the stn electrode
phase16: Oscilltrack target phase
0: peak
4: descending
8: trough
12: ascending
-1: OscillTrack not active
stim_type: stimulation type
'cl': OscillTrack driving electrical stimulation in a closed-loop
'fake': OscillTrack generating trigger pulses but not actually driving electrical stimulation (no electrical stimulation delivered to the brain).
'playbk': Playback of a stimulation pattern recorded from a separate recording stage and used to drive electrical stimulation of the brain in this recording.
original_stage: In the case of playback stimulation, the stage from which the stimulation pattern was recorded.
We welcome researchers wishing to reuse our data to contact the creators of datasets. If you are unfamiliar with analysing the type of data we are sharing, have questions about the acquisition methodology, need additional help understanding a file format, or are interested in collaborating with us, please get in touch via email. Our current members have email addresses on our main site. The corresponding author of an associated publication, or the first or last creator of the dataset are likely to be able to assist, but in case of uncertainty on who to contact, email Ben Micklem, Research Support Manager at the MRC BNDU.

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