Tremor data measured from essential tremor patients subjected to phase-locked deep brain stimulation

Cagnan H, Weerasinghe G, Brown P

This data is from the study of Cagnan et al. where phase-locked DBS was delivered according to the tremor measured by an accelerometer attached to a patient's hand. Stimulation was delivered over a set of trials, with each trial consisting of 12 blocks of 5 second phase-locked stimulation at a randomly chosen phase from a set of 12. Each block of phase-locked stimulation was also separated by a 1 second interblock of no stimulation. The data consists of a signal and trigger time series, which corresponds to the accelerometer data for the dominant tremor axis and the stimulation triggers, respectively. The triggers are signals sent to the stimulation device.

The dataset consists of a readme.txt file and cagnan_2016.mat, a Mathworks MATLAB file.

The .mat file contains a single cell vector with 7 elements, 1 for each patient in the study.
Each element contains a data structure with the following fields:

pat_label: the identifier for that particular patient in the study.
sig: accelerometer data for the dominant tremor axis. 
trg: the stimulation triggers.
sr: the sampling rate.
npulses: the number of stimulation pulses per trigger.
block_data: data structure for each block of stimulation.

   This structure contains the following fields:
    phase_rad: the phase at which phase-locked stimulation was applied for that block in radians.
    start: the index of the time series marking the start of the block.
    end: the index of the time series marking the end of the block.

Assistance with this dataset

We welcome researchers wishing to reuse our data to contact the creators of datasets. If you are unfamiliar with analysing the type of data we are sharing, have questions about the acquisition methodology, need additional help understanding a file format, or are interested in collaborating with us, please get in touch via email. Our current members have email addresses on our main site. The corresponding author of an associated publication, or the first or last creator of the dataset are likely to be able to assist, but in case of uncertainty on who to contact, email Ben Micklem, Research Support Manager at the MRC BNDU.

Tremor-phase-specific brain  stimulation
Year Published
Medical Research Council (MR/M014762/1, MC_UU_12024/1)
National Institute for Health Research Oxford Biomedical Research Centre
Rosetrees Trust
University of Oxford
Downloaded times
First Published In
Cagnan H, Pedrosa D, Little S, Pogosyan A, Cheeran B, Aziz TZ, Green AL, Fitzgerald J, Foltynie T, Limousin P, Zrinzo L, Hariz M, Friston KJ, Denison T, Brown P
2017. Brain, 140(1):132-145.

By downloading this dataset, you agree that you will not attempt to identify any individual subjects.

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