Human behavioural and eye-tracking data from inference task with targeted memory reactivation

Shearer C, Rawson AB, O'Reilly JX, Barron HC

Raw behavioural data is available for 32 participants in .mat (MATLAB) files. Raw eye-tracking data is available for 30 participants in .edf (EyeLink Data file) and .mat formats. Preprocessed data for 27 (behavioural) and 25 (eye-tracking) participants is available in .mat files. Eye-tracking data includes gaze position and pupillometry data for both eyes recorded at 1000Hz.

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We welcome researchers wishing to reuse our data to contact the creators of datasets. If you are unfamiliar with analysing the type of data we are sharing, have questions about the acquisition methodology, need additional help understanding a file format, or are interested in collaborating with us, please get in touch via email. Our current members have email addresses on our main site. The corresponding author of an associated publication, or the first or last creator of the dataset are likely to be able to assist, but in case of uncertainty on who to contact, email Ben Micklem, Research Support Manager at the MRC BNDU.

Image showing the 3 phases of the inference task used. Associative learning phases shows 3 sound icons with arrows pointing to one shape. Conditioning phase shows one shape with an arrow pointing to a pound coin. Inference test phase shows a sound icon with an arrow pointing to a symbol showing a pound coin and wood coin with a question mark. Above the associative learning and conditioning phases there are icons showing musical notes and a coffee cup. The background of the image is two coffee cups on a tabl
Year Published
Medical Research Council, UKRI (MR/W01971X/1, MR/L019639/1, MR/W008939/1)
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UKRI (DDT00060_HM01.11)
Wellcome Trust (203139/Z/16/Z)
University of Oxford
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