Triple hippocampal (DG-CA3-CA1) multichannel tetrode recordings from mice exploring spatial arenas and during sleep/rest epochs

McHugh S

This dataset consists of data to reproduce some of the results in the article ‘Offline hippocampal reactivation during dentate spikes supports flexible memory’. The data is composed of electrophysiological recordings from hippocampus DG-CA3-CA1 of one mouse during exploration of familiar and novel environments and during periods of sleep / rest when we recorded sharp-wave ripple (SWR) events from the CA1 local field potential (LFP) and dentate spikes (DS) from the DG LFP (Figure 1). The recording day is stored in a folder (e.g. 'msm16-181018').

Inside the folder, the data is organised in the following way:

  • '.desen': describe the "design of the environment", that is an ordered list of experimental conditions format: '<environment><instance [0, inf]>'
  • '.resofs': list with last integer sample of each recorded session (sample freq = 20kHz)
  • '.res': list with number of integer samples (starting at 0) at which the peak of a spike is to be found (i.e. ordered list of spike times sampled at 20kHz)
  •  '.clu': cluster assignment for each of the detected spikes in the .res file. 0. the first line is the total number of clusters in the file. Note that both cluster 0 and cluster 1 are considered noise cluster s and not analysed. The rest of the .clu file is the cluster id for each spike in the .res file.
  • '.des': assign a cell type to each cluster id. That is an ordered list of the neuron types of the clusters format: `<type (e.g. p for principal cell)><location (e.g. 1 for CA1)>`
  • '.whl': ordered list of locations of the animal
  • '.*_pulse': files giving the integer sample times (sample freq = 20kHz) when SWR (*.swr_pulse) and DS (*.ds_pulse) events were detected (the value in the first column gives the time of the peak envelope of the event).
  • '.desel': describes the ‘design of electrodes', i.e. the anatomical region of the brain that is targeted. Format: '<int> or <string> (e.g. 1 for CA1)'.
  • ’.par’: a helper file that provides parameters for the recording day.
  • ’.col2resofs’: a helper file that contains the first and last integer sample of each session (sample freq = 20kHz) detailed in the .desen file.
Assistance with this dataset

We welcome researchers wishing to reuse our data to contact the creators of datasets. If you are unfamiliar with analysing the type of data we are sharing, have questions about the acquisition methodology, need additional help understanding a file format, or are interested in collaborating with us, please get in touch via email. Our current members have email addresses on our main site. The corresponding author of an associated publication, or the first or last creator of the dataset are likely to be able to assist, but in case of uncertainty on who to contact, email Ben Micklem, Research Support Manager at the MRC BNDU.

Diagram of recording tetrode and optic fibre locations in mouse brain section, sharp wave ripple waveform, compared to the newly described dentate spike waveform, a diagram of a behvioural box with 4 objects in it, and a mouse, and underneath, spike times of a population of neurons, with LFP with dentate spikes shown
Year Published
Funders & Grant Numbers
BBSRC, UKRI (BB/S007741/1, BB/N002547/1)
MRC, UKRI (MC_UU_12024/3, MC_UU_00003/4)
University of Oxford
Downloaded times

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